Asparagus season is here! Freshly picked and steamed, served in a composite salad along with baby turnips and radish are just part of our spring meal on a chilly day. Wear that extra layer tomorrow along with your wellies to ford any standing water from a night of that delicious rain. I know my garden is soaking it up and the plants are standing a little taller and a little prouder.

Platter of the Day

Plant based cuisine 

Brown rice w/toasted sunflower seed gomasio

 Apple butter-Miso baked beans 

Roasted Broccoli, red scallion & Oyster mushrooms 

Composite salad of asparagus, baby turnips, radish w/lemon-tahini dressing 

Lightly pickled cabbage-lemon-apple-parsley slaw 

Organic greens & sprouts salad w/Lemon Poppyseed Dressing


Plant based delights

Pistachio-Cashew – GF

Candied Walnut Oat Raisin

Salted-Almond Tahini – GF

Baca di Dama – GF & non GF

Chocolate brownies

Lemon Blueberry scones

Fresh Fruit Crisp – GF

Lemony Almond Cheesecake w/ Lemon curd – GF

Strawberry-Chocolate Tart w/ Hazelnut Crust – GF

Chocolate Tart w/Hazelnut Crust – GF

Lemon Lavender Cake w/Blueberry Curd – GF & non GF